Fretboard Workout: Money Chords

Three 20 minute workouts with Steve Krenz & band training you on the best sounding chords on guitar. Each workout guides you through chords, voicings and substitutions to play. DOWNLOADABLE VIDEOS & PDF EMAILED TO YOU

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Product Description


Ever wonder why some guitar parts sound boring and others sound rich and full? 

The difference is in the chord shapes used.

Learn the chord shapes that make great guitar parts - the chords used on stage and in the studio to create memorable parts.  

What if you could take a simple chord progression and turn it into something incredible?

How would your music change?

It's time to make your chord playing stand out from what every other guitar player is doing! 


Great sounding guitar parts don't just happen.  They involve combining and using chords in fresh new ways.  Most guitarists only know a few basic open chords. But a pro can take the same simple progression and create something memorable from it.   

The goal of these Money Chord workouts is to train your hands in the chords that make the guitar sound great - so that you can create guitar parts that stand out from the average player. 

  • Three 20 Minute Workouts to Learn the Chords that Sound Best
  • Each Chord Form and Exercise Written Out in Music and TAB
  • PLUS Variations for Each Chord for Great Chord Substitutions 
  • Over 80 Minutes of HD Video Instruction (DOWNLOAD ONLY)

You'll learn the best sounding chords in the keys that guitar players play most in.  PLUS, pro tips and examples for taking boring progressions and making them sound great on guitar. 

Money Chords includes three separate workouts – each around 20 minutes in length – taking you through the best sounding chords in the keys that guitar players play most in. Guided video instruction breaks each chord and progression down and a detailed PDF shows each form, fingering and exercise.

FWMCStillImage3.jpg What Could Boosting Your Current Chord Knowledge Do For Your Playing?

Playing interesting chords is crucial - No Matter the Style of Music You Play.

Designed for both acoustic or electric guitar players.

As a professional guitarist, understanding these chords, voicings and how to use them is crucial to my playing.


No metronomes and boring click tracks. 

Go through these daily workouts while playing along with a band of some of Nashville's finest musicians.

Learn chord forms, variations and chord substitutions, and how to apply them by playing through real world progressions.

I sincerely hope these series of workouts help you see the measurable FWMCStillImage4.jpgimprovement you're seeking.

I can safely say that by the end of the Money Chord workouts you will have multiple options for making great sounding guitar parts from simple, familiar progressions that you are sure to see.   

Learn all you can!  - Steve

Ready to take start making great sounding guitar parts?